The Catch A Break! scholarship means more to me than just being able to afford college. The sponsors’ gift has given me the opportunity to completely devote my focus to college. This has given me the time and opportunity to achieve high grades, find research positions, and make meaningful connections with faculty members as well as peers.
The requirement of the scholarship that the scholar must live on campus has provided me the opportunity to truly focus on my studies and take advantage of the growth that campus life affords college students.
None of these things would have been possible if I had to work part-time and commute from my house to school every day. With the financial and mental support that the Catch a Break! sponsors have given me, I feel as though I have a great fighting chance at making my way through college successfully and starting my professional life. It is quite impressive that the scholarship sponsors are so invested in the selected scholars. I meet them for dinner each semester and I talk to them about progress, goals, and my experiences.