Scholar Stories "I wasn't sure if I was the type of student that the sponsors were looking for as I was from a farming town far from the Twin Cities..."
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Change the trajectory of your life! Are you a motivated MN resident who has faced - and overcome - challenges in your life? Catch A Break! is for you!

Catch a Break!® “We believe in the value of a college experience”

Check out some of our Scholar Stories:

Graduating Debt-Free: It’s Possible!

The estimated cost of attendance for 4 years of education at the University of Minnesota Duluth is $98,160 including tuition, room and board, and books among other expenses.

How to Apply

Ella’s Scholar Story

When first researching the Catch a Break! Scholarship Program, I was surprised to find there were mentorship meetings and group events which complemented the financial award. My surprise was understandable considering many of the college scholarships I had applied to were created to provide financial support alone. Having recently graduated from the University of Minnesota and the CAB!program, I see the many advantages of mentorship meetings and group events.

The mentorship program has allowed me to build long-lasting relationships with two individuals who I trust and respect. Having met with my mentors, Holly and Carl, at least two times a year over four years, we developed the ability to have very honest and open conversations. The topics of these conversations included academics, financial wellness, social wellbeing, and much more. During these conversations, Holly and Carl gave me impactful advice and reassurance. My freshman year was filled with studying for various chemistry classes and shadowing several healthcare professionals, but I was not certain that studying science was the best fit for me. Through talking with Holly and Carl, I realized healthcare was not the only possible path for me. This conversation and similar ones encouraged me to transfer to the Carlson School of Management. This was a spectacular change and it would not have been possible without the advice and support from my mentors.

The CAB! group events have been an exciting opportunity to talk with my mentors while connecting with other CAB! scholars and their mentors. Each event has a fun theme, delicious food, and plenty of time to talk. For example, the FOCI paperweight event allowed our group to mold paperweights from gathered hot glass. While a few individuals were molding glass, the rest of the group was able to reconnect and eat. Events like these were a fun break from my academic semester and allowed me to establish friendships with other individuals in the program.

Overall, the CAB! Scholarship Program has several important and impactful components. The scholarship financially supports scholars, while the mentorship program and group events provide social support. The mentorship program and group events brought a lot of value, support, and fun to my college experience.

Allison’s Scholar Story

The estimated cost of attendance for 4 years of education at the University of Minnesota Duluth is$98,160 including tuition, room and board, and books, among other expenses. Student debt in the US has passed the trillion dollar mark and is likely to keep rising as tuition costs continue to increase. Yet, here I am about to graduate on time with 2 majors in Biology and Hispanic Studies and a minor in Psychology with no debt at all!

The Catch a Break! scholarship was the largest factor in making this possible because it was available every year, unlike many smaller scholarships that are offered on a one-time basis. This is probably what kept me in college on those days when I wasn’t sure if I was a good fit for a 4-year university: I knew that finances were not a major worry. Meeting with the mentors and other students in the program regularly was also a huge motivating factor, as we were able to discuss challenges as we progressed through each year of college and encourage one another.

Now, I’m moving on to a graduate direct-entry nursing program with no debt! With the rising costs of college tuition, it is still possible to catch a break and avoid student debt through scholarship programs like this one. I will be forever grateful to the program for setting me up for future success and making this educational journey possible!

Katelynn’s Scholar Story

I was sitting in a school board meeting, nearing the end of my senior year, when I received a phone call that I didn’t know would change my whole life experience. Applying for the Catch a Break! scholarship felt just like every other application I filled out; I was searching for someone to invest in my education. However, what I received from the Catch a Break! Scholarship Program was much more than that.

Through Catch A Break!, I have been so incredibly fortunate to be provided with college funding, a support system, mentors in academics and life, networking connections, and most of all, friends. My experience has allowed me to confidently go through school knowing there are others backing my decisions and supporting my every endeavor.

A scholarship through Catch a Break! isn’t just about the finances; it’s about the connections. With two other scholars studying at my University, we have made friendships and support systems through this common connection. The professional mentors in this program have been nothing but helpful and encouraging. After our first group meeting, I was emailing one mentor in regards to her career path in Psychology. She cleared up a lot of my questions and concerns, and even encouraged me to take a few classes she suggested might be interesting to me. Luckily, through this connection and those classes, I found an incredible interest and am now even majoring in Psychology!

Looking back on my initial interview for Catch a Break, I had never been so nervous in my whole life. However, the welcoming atmosphere accompanied by smiles and genuineness allowed me to open up and show the mentors my true self. They accepted me for who I am, they encouraged my interests and drive to learn, and most of all, they were invested and interested in ME! Knowing there is a group of individuals behind me in my educational career is an unreal experience. Through Catch a Break!, I have become confident, excited to learn, and open to new experiences. I’ve created a desire to share such experiences and resources with other individuals, just as Catch a Break! has done for me!

Vu’s Scholar Story

I was fortunate to be one of the first Catch a Break! scholarship recipients. My sponsors, as well as being great advisors, mentors and friends, are the epitome of generosity, humility and kindness. Although it’s daunting when I first looked at the scholarship application, I realized that it was my stories that made me stand out from other applicants. Therefore, don’t be discouraged if you don’t have the best grades in the world because the scholarship committee wants to know you and your personal stories more than anything.

One of the most unique experiences I have gotten from this scholarship is that the sponsors genuinely care about me, my stories, and my journey to pursue a higher education. This is something I have never gotten from other scholarships and I am incredibly grateful and honored for the award as well as our wonderful relationship. Their dedication in helping me and my fellow scholars to make sure we can graduate college debt-free empower me to understand that I will make a difference in this world by just doing exactly what they have done: paying it forward to others.

Connor’s Scholar Story

Catch A Break! has been a tremendous help to me, and without it I may have not been able to further my education. That makes me very fortunate that I had some good counselors in high school, because I originally had made up my mind that I wasn’t going to apply. I was unsure that I was who they were looking for, and the thought of a personal interview was honestly quite scary. However, one of my counselors managed to convince me to apply after a conversation about what my future could look like.

So I went through the process, and just like dentist appointments and big presentations, there really wasn’t much of a reason for me to be afraid. The people who put the scholarship together are just people; the interview was like a conversation, not an exam.

I am excited about the future of this scholarship because the people who make it possible are committed to helping in as many ways as possible and creating a community of support that will continue to grow. I’m incredibly grateful to my counselor and to Catch A Break! for giving me a basis that I will be able to build on for life.

Sam’s Scholar Story

The Catch A Break! scholarship means more to me than just being able to afford college. The sponsors’ gift has given me the opportunity to completely devote my focus to college. This has given me the time and opportunity to achieve high grades, find research positions, and make meaningful connections with faculty members as well as peers.

The requirement of the scholarship that the scholar must live on campus has provided me the opportunity to truly focus on my studies and take advantage of the growth that campus life affords college students.

None of these things would have been possible if I had to work part-time and commute from my house to school every day. With the financial and mental support that the Catch a Break! sponsors have given me, I feel as though I have a great fighting chance at making my way through college successfully and starting my professional life. It is quite impressive that the scholarship sponsors are so invested in the selected scholars. I meet them for dinner each semester and I talk to them about progress, goals, and my experiences.

Lisette’s Scholar Story

I graduated in the Spring of 2022 with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Spanish Studies with a minor in Chicanx Latinx Studies. I am currently entering the second year of my doctorate program in social psychology at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities!

I’ve had the opportunity to serve as the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) curriculum consultant for the Office of Equity and Diversity which has allowed me to bring in my research and personal interests to improve DEI curriculum.

In my time as an undergraduate, I had the opportunity to be a part of multiple research experiences and projects that guided and influenced my pursuit of my Ph.D., as well as join my sorority, work for the Center for Writing, and serve as an MCAE Kickoff Leader.

As a first-generation scholar, I am extremely grateful to CAB! for providing me with the financial independence to be able to pursue research and extracurricular activities as an undergraduate student. CAB!’s support in every way allowed me to enrich my college experience, be well-prepared for graduate school, and get to know many great people that have had a wonderful influence on my life!

Yanai’s Scholar Story

I graduated in the Spring of 2023 with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, and in Spring of 2024, I”ll earn a Master of Science in Computer Science. I have a passion for using education, technology, and creativity to empower communities. During my time in CAB!, I have grown my range of technological knowledge through academic courses, research, internships, and teaching/tutoring jobs. For my research experience, I leveraged computer science approaches to analyze how COVID19 affects the child-care industry with observed data. I completed two summer internship experiences, specifically in Software Engineering at Drip and Technology Transformation services at 3M.

My experiences outside Computer Science range from taking PE classes at the UMN, volunteering at a middle school, and serving multicultural communities on my college campus.